Five Non-Negotiable Principles To Live By (#3 & #4)
3. Only have what He says is yours to have.
God makes it plain as to what is ours to have and what is not. He wants us to simply receive what He has to offer. His offerings are eternal. So often we seek to have things that have no lasting impact in eternity. We must get our focus off of the things that we cannot take with us to Glory. At the very least get them in the right perspective. Money simply gives us more options. Having a car is having a tool. Most things we want are a tool. The question is are we having the tool for our own personal enjoyment or personal gain? Or are we using the tool to change the outcome of Heaven?
My writing gift: I love having it but it is just a tool I use to change lives and advance the Kingdom of God. One of the by-products happens to be ‘gain’ but just as I was writing when it gave me no personal gain, so do I write now…. not for personal gain. I write knowing that eternity is changed forever. “Have only what He says is yours.” In all my having, I have my writing. I own it. It’s mine and I love having it. What do you have in your hand right now?
4. Give away who you are and what you have as much and as often as you can.
If we be who we are and know what we have is ours, we are connected with the eternal source from which it came. And with an inexhaustible supply of resource for who you are and what you have, you never run out. The supply is never exhausted. It’s like the brilliance of the sun, the staying power and effectiveness is super abundant. If you are tired of being “who you are”, might I suggest you’re not actually being who you are, but instead you are attempting to be someone else, who you are not. EVENTUALLY, being who you are not will wear you out. There will be this dark cloud following you that says, “this is not who you are… quit”. I never get tired of writing. I do get tired, sick of, worn out from 9 to 5 desk jobs. I tire in a cubicle. I tire in corporate red tape and politics. It’s just not who I am. Are you tired of the life you are living right now?